Details about Duathlon Race

The Race at Wahlyngkien – MaplePine Farm

Reporting Time: 7:00 AM (Participants may survey the course before the race)

Race Time: 8:00 AM (for Open and Over 50 Category)

Distance: 5 km

Course: Trails, dirt paths, short tar village road, fully marked loop

Start and Finish: Football field

Start Format: Mass Start

Cross-Country Race: Scoring Rules

A cross-country race is a long-distance running competition held on natural terrain such as grass, dirt trails, and hills. The race typically begins with a mass start, where all runners line up at the starting line and take off at the sound of a starting signal.

Runners follow a marked course that may include uneven ground, slopes, and obstacles like mud or water crossings. The goal is to complete the race in the shortest time possible. The race distance varies based on age and competition level, often ranging from 3 km to 12 km.

Participation and Team Rules

Individuals are welcome to participate.

  • Cross-country is primarily a team sport.
  • Each team must have at least 5 members, all of whom will contribute to the team score.
  • Teams must include at least 2 women participants.
  • A team may have a maximum of 7 members, but only the first 5 finishers will contribute to the team score.
  • Of these 5 scoring members, at least 2 must be women.


The team score is determined by the sum of the finishing positions of the top 3 men and 2 women in the team.

  • The team with the lowest total score wins.
  • Additional team members who do not count in the top 5 can still impact the results by pushing other runners back in rankings, increasing other teams’ scores.

Team 1 (7 members)


  • 4th (Male)
  • 7th (Male)
  • 9th (Male)
  • 12th (Male – not counted)
  • 18th (Female)
  • 23rd (Male – not counted)
  • 27th (Female)

Team 2 (5 members)


  • 3rd (Male)
  • 9th (Male)
  • 12th (Male)
  • 30th (Female)
  • 40th (Female)

Score: 3 + 9 + 12 + 30 (Woman) + 40 (Woman) = 94 points

Team 3 (7 members)


  • 1st (Male)
  • 12th (Male)
  • 18th (Male)
  • 20th (Female)
  • 22nd (Female)

Score: 1 + 12 + 18 + 20 (Woman) + 22 (Woman) = 73 points

Final Results

  • Team 3 Wins with 73 points (Lowest Score)
  • Team 1: 80 points
  • Team 2: 94 points

Strategy for Teams

  • Every team member is crucial, even those who do not score in the top 5, as they can push opponents further down the rankings.
  • Male runners can assist and motivate female teammates during the race to improve their standings, thereby reducing the team’s overall score.

This scoring format ensures a fair and competitive team race while encouraging teamwork and strategic planning.

Registration Fees include

Individual Entry

Early Bird (Before March 15th): ₹550

Late Entry (March 16th – March 26th): ₹650

Certificates, refreshments (Breakfast & Snacks after run), package drinking water, medical aid.

Team Entry (Cross Country Race)

7-Person Team

Early Bird (Before March 15th): ₹3000

Late Entry (March 16th – March 26th): ₹3800

5-Person Team

Early Bird (Before March 15th): ₹2500

Late Entry (March 16th – March 26th): ₹2000

Last Entry Date: 26th March, 2025

1st Position: Rs.15,000   | 2nd Position: Rs.10,000   | 3rd Position: Rs.5000
Special Prize: Master Category (50+) only.

All podium finishers will be rewarded with cash prize.
All finishers get  ROTF participation certificate.
Trophy prizes for top 3 positions and 1 position for Master category (50+)